Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Another Day at Planned Parenthood

      Several days ago I was made aware of a video which depicted a Planned Parenthood executive discussing in great detail the trafficking of fetal body parts for profit. Yesterday, a second video was released, showing the same thing. (Warning: these videos contain disturbing content.) To say that I was shocked would be a gross understatement. To say that I was surprised...well, hardly anything Planned Parenthood does surprises me anymore. These videos are just another incident in a long line of abuses by America's primary abortion provider. First there were Live Action's undercover stings that revealed that Planned Parenthood clinics had been aiding and abetting the sex trafficking of minors by allowing their abusers to cover their tracks by obtaining them secret abortions. Then we were horrified to learn that when asked, PP would accept donations specifically to fund the extermination of minority babies. Now this. In two separate cases (in order to ensure people couldn't claim this to be an isolated incident), Planned Parenthood employees openly discussed, in a matter of fact way that leads one to believe that this is not all that uncommon, the harvesting and sale of aborted babies limbs, organs, and tissue. How long before America realizes that this is not the exception, but the rule? How long before we realize that Planned Parenthood is a corrupt, greedy organization that cares little about anything except its own massive profits, all the while claiming a deep, abiding concern for women. If they care so much about women, then why are they so good at lying about all the botched abortion injuries and deaths that occur on their watch? Ironically, while Planned Parenthood claims nearly one billion dollars in net assets, and millions in annual revenue, it is still classified as a not-for-profit organization by the IRS, and receives over $500 million per year in government assistance. They claim that none of that money goes directly towards abortion, but any highschooler with half an understanding of accounting or economics could tell you that that's not how things work. In reality, our hard earned tax dollars are helping Planned Parenthood to end the lives of over 300,000 unborn children every year.
      As to be expected, the media is denouncing these videos as fake, or "cleverly edited." Not so fast. The Center for Medical Progress (the organization responsible for both videos) has subsequently released the full footage of both videos, which you can find here and here. Unbelievably, while Republicans have soundly denounced these actions and called for a thorough investigation, all that Democrats have done is to ask for an investigation of the organization responsible for the videos! It is confounding how far the media, and liberals as a whole, will go to defend and cover up for an organization that is so obviously corrupt. But then again, they have to defend their own agenda.
      Today, as I was holding my new baby brother, it hit me that organizations like Planned Parenthood are killing children not much smaller than him, and then selling their bodies. This new little life has only strengthened my conviction that abortion is the greatest evil this world has ever seen, and is the number one issue we must concentrate our efforts on.
      If you have not seen these videos, I strongly encourage you to watch them. If you are pro-life, they will only serve to strengthen your conviction of the evils of the abortion industry. If you are pro-choice, maybe these videos will open your mind to what is really going on. I can only hope that this latest revelation will make America realize the true nature of the abortion industry. The reality that abortion providers care little about women, and everything about money. Planned Parenthood's motto is "Care. No matter what." Perhaps they should reconsider and change it to "Money. No matter what." Because, honestly, the only ones they care about are themselves and their pocketbooks. Money is the only motivation behind something as disgusting as this. Hopefully this latest incident will not just be forgotten as depravities sometimes are in today's 24 hour news cycle. Hopefully something will finally be accomplished.


  1. Thank you for your passionate insights, David.

  2. The "greatest evil..." Yes! and with the stamp of approval by our government, by legalizing it in any form, does not bode well for our nation.
