Monday, April 4, 2016

Bernie is Right; America Has a Problem

Alright, I'm just going to say it: Bernie Sanders is right. He is right that America has a problem with income inequality. The very rich are getting even richer while the rest of America's wages have flat-lined and even decreased. He is right that Americans should not have to bail out the big banks or car companies when they fail due to their borderline criminal activities, and he is right that sometimes these big executives should be tossed in jail. Finally, he is right that so many politicians are in the pockets of billionaires and special interests, and answer to them instead of to their constituents.

We should not be surprised that so many people are voting for Bernie and Trump when they feel like politicians have some nothing for them and don't care about them. I read an article awhile back called "The Pitchforks are Coming for Us Plutocrats." Well, it appears that they have arrived. People are disillusioned with the political class and haves turned to the only two people in the race that seen like they would be any different. Sanders and Trump are different symptoms to the same disease, and no one is more to blame than the political class and establishment politicians, of both parties, which has spent decades getting rich and getting re-elected instead of doing their job and working to solve the plight of so many people.

All that being said, most of Bernie's solutions to these problems would not improve this situation. In fact, in the long run, his policies would worsen the situation. You can point to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all you like, Senator, but socialism has never, and will never work in an economy of this size. Capitalism is not the problem; crony capitalism is. True capitalism drives people to succeed, while crony capitalism and socialism burden people with regulations and taxes, smothering their will to keep trying. Instead of levying more taxes and increasing regulations on our economy, we need to cut taxes and make it easier for people to be successful. We need to make it easier for smaller businesses to compete with the huge corporations that are stealing their profits. And we need to make America a business friendly country so companies quit taking people's jobs to China and Mexico (man, I sound like The Donald now). Hard-working Americans are the ones who will solve this crisis, not the government. It's time for Uncle Sam to get out of our lives and let us succeed.