Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Midterm Madness

College students everywhere
   Oh, Midterms...why must you torture us?  Midterms.  A word college students have learned to hate (along with finals, test, quiz, alarm clock, etc...).  Here at Benedictine we have just hit the first round of midterms (they will hit us with round 2 right after fall break).  This weekend I had a test to study for, a presentation to prepare (which involved reading 150 pages of a book), and a take-home test to do.  Yeah...I studied all well as all Monday.  I felt something like the guy in this picture.  Ok, maybe not that bad, but get the point.  Round 2 of midterms is even worse.  This is due to the fact that the administration had the bright idea to have class signups at the same time.  Last semester I had two tests, a 12 page paper, a 5 page paper, and my class schedule for next semester to figure out...all in the space of a week.  I legitimately felt like the guy in the picture that time.  Stress, stress, STRESS.  If you know anything about college students, you'll know that this is one of the most commonly used word in our vocabulary.  There is one good thing about stress (if you want to be an optimist).  You feel great once you get everything done and all the stress is gone.