Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Semester in the Books

Well, my third semester in college is over.  Wait, what?  It seems like only yesterday that I was packing my things and heading back to Atchison for the start of a new semester.  How could that have possibly been three-and-a-half months ago?  How time flies…especially when you are having fun.  (That’s another thing.  Why is it that when we want time to move more quickly it drags on and on and on, and when we wish we had more time it flies by so quickly that it’s gone before we even notice?  It is somewhat annoying.)  Oh well, I guess we just have to enjoy it while it lasts.
So many things happened in the world this semester that it is hard to keep track of them all, let alone everything that happened in my own life.  The past three months have been a whirlwind of activity…which makes it a little hard to adjust to the quietness of being home.  It is nice to be able to relax and not to worry about tests and assignments though.  There is practically no time for relaxation in college between schoolwork and friends.  It’s one thing happening after the other…with very few breaks in between.  Not that I mind, but every now and then my brain decides that it needs a break.  That usually happens very conveniently around fall break, thanksgiving break, and then Christmas break.  I think the college must have figured out exactly how much everyone can take, and then scheduled the breaks to coincide with everyone’s breaking point.
Let’s see, what did I learn this semester?  Well…I learned everything about how to run a presidential campaign, I learned all about the money and the economy, I read Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Machiavelli, Locke, Hobbes, Aquinas, Jefferson, and Madison, and I re-learned all the ins and outs of American History (up to 1865).  I decided that Socrates was a jerk…brilliant and a philosophical genius, but still a jerk, and that Locke, Aristotle, and Madison made quite a bit of sense.  And if presidential campaigns are that complicated, I had better start now.  Oh, and I lost all hope in American society with the reelection of Barack Obama.  I thought that Americans were smarter than that.  Apparently, I was wrong.  November 6, 2012 was easily one of the worst days in my life.  It was the day that Americans could have put an end to a failure of an administration, an administration that was putting our beloved country on the fast track for destruction.  Instead, the people reelected Obama, and basically gave him a free rein on whatever he wanted to do.  In short, I learned that 60 million Americans have no common sense whatsoever.  It pains me to see America, the greatest country in the history of the world, in such a terrible state.
On a brighter note, I can’t wait to see all the apocalypse related Facebook statuses on December 21st….and then all the statuses on the 22nd.  It will be rather amusing.  Those Mayans must be up in heaven having a good laugh at everyone’s expense.  I wonder how long the confession lines will be…
All in all, my third semester in college was a great one.  Just to think, I am 3/8 of the way through college.  That is a scary thought.  You mean in a little over two years I’m going to have to go off on my own and get a *gasp* job?  Oh well, I have two years to think about that.  Here’s to the new year and next semester!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, David! I sympathize with your comments and feelings on election day.
