Friday, April 12, 2013


     Why is it that I always leave my papers for the last minute?  Every semester I'm assigned two or three big research papers, and every semester I say, "This time I will get started on them early."  Hasn't happened yet...and I'm on semester number 4.  Take last semester for instance.  I was assigned two major research papers at the beginning of the semester.  I fully intended to start them months in advance.  Nope. I kept putting it off saying, "Oh, I have 2 months" and "I still have 1 1/2 months" and "oh, I still have a month."  Suddenly, I look at my syllabus and *wham* I have 6 days left.  I still hadn't started. (Cue: Panic mode extraordinaire.)  I freaked out.  Like really a lot.  Like I nearly had a heart attack.  I had to write 30 pages in 6 days...and I hadn't even started.  Well, as it turned out, I ended up putting getting them both done in time (I got an A on one, and a B on the other).  It definitely took some doing, and many hours of work.  I spent a good 5 hours a day researching and writing.  On the weekend that is all I did.  I ate, slept, and wrote.  After that episode of brain frying, I swore I would never do it again. I sit, with two papers due in 10 days.  I guess I still haven't learned my lesson.  Tomorrow...tomorrow I shall write.  Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. As a follow up, I got two Bs and an A+ on those 3 papers. So, everything did turn out in the end
