Thursday, August 14, 2014

In Defense of Israel

     As the conflict in Gaza and Israel drags on, I find myself increasingly angered by the reaction of the rest of the world. So, here is my rant on the subject. To anyone who is tempted to side against Israel in this whole mess in Gaza: don't buy in to this propaganda you're hearing about how Israel is the aggressor, Israel is committing war crimes, etc, etc. The fact of the matter is, Hamas is a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel. Israel, a country that wants nothing more than to be left the heck alone. Israel has been subjected to rocket attacks every single day for years. They are finally responding in the way that any country would be expected to defending themselves. Hamas has unleashed a massive campaign aimed at changing the world's opinion of Israel, and turning Israel's allies against her. They don't want peace. They want war. Why? Because then they can keep on showing everyone pictures of dead children. Children, mind you, that they placed around their missiles to act as human shields. Do these people protesting against Israel realize that Hamas has their headquarters under a hospital? A hospital. Let that sink in for a moment. Hamas knows there is no possible way they can defeat the most powerful army in the middle east, so they are trying to get Israel's allies to reject them. They are doing this by making Israel look like the bad guy. And the scary thing is, it's working. Thanks to the liberal media, people are actually taking the side of the terrorists. I never thought I would live to see the day that something like this would happen. This is altogether horrifying. This is the worst case of anti-semitism seen since WWII, and rather than standing up and condemning it, the media utterly ignores it, and instead takes the side of those responsible.  I am not saying that I know for a fact that Israel is acting completely morally in its manner of defending itself, but I am saying that maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge them.  Let's put this in perspective.  If Israel lets up for one second, it will be almost certainly annihilated by the multiple Islamic nations that surround it.  These nations would like nothing more than for the Israeli state to cease to exist. The Arab/Islamic nations that surround Israel are a combined 640 times larger than the tiny state of Israel, and their combined populations are 23 times larger than the population of Israel.  And yet somehow, the Israelis are the bad guys for wanting to hold on to a tiny strip of land they have historical ties to dating back over 4000 years.  Israel has given up miles of its land in order to appease the Palestinians, but Palestine will only be satisfied when Israel ceases to exist.  That is the problem in the Middle East.  One side wants peace, while the other does not.  Here is a link to a video that does a great job of explaining the situation in the Middle East.
     Now, as I said before, I'm not saying Israel is completely blameless here.  Maybe they could do a better job of minimizing civilian casualties.  Who knows.  The point I am trying to make is that we should not be so quick to judge a situation we really know nothing about, and can't hope to understand completely.  In the meantime, we can continue to pray for a peaceful resolution to the fighting, and a quick end to all hostilities.


  1. Great Grandma Worden says, "Keep up the good work David. I agree with every word you said. I'm proud of you."
