Monday, September 24, 2012

Romney's Keys to Winning the Debates

Things I think Romney needs to do in the upcoming Presidential debates:

  1. Keep it focused on the economy
    • Romney needs to prove to the American people that he has a plan on how to rescue the economy from disaster.  Also, he needs to bring out how bad Obama has been for the economy, and how and why he will be different.
  2. Stay mistake free
    • Romney can't afford another big gaffe.  Obama is a great rhetorician and debater, and he will know how to pounce on the slightest misspoken thing Romney says, and twist it out of context. Romney cannot afford to alienate any more voters.
  3. Keep Obama on the defensive
    • Romney can't afford to be on the defense during the debates.  This is Obama's election to lose, so Romney needs to be in full attack mode.  If Obama can start shifting the focus over to Romney's shortcomings, Romney won't stand a chance.  Instead, Romney needs to call Obama to count for his failures as President.  Where are the 5 million jobs he promised to create?  Why do we still have troops in the Middle East?  Why are the gas prices so high?  And the list goes on and on.  Romney has plenty of ammunition, he just needs to use it.
  4. Act presidential
    • Romney needs to show America that he will make a good president.  This means acting like a president.  He can't let Obama fluster him.  He may not be able to out talk the President, but he cannot let Obama make him look foolish.
  5. Show his personal side
    • The big advantage Obama has over Romney right now is likability.  Obama is a pretty likable guy...he's always smiling, and people seem to think that he knows and cares about their problems (even if he doesn't really)  Romney seems stiff, uncaring, and hard to relate to, to many voters.  He needs to rectify this image.  These debates are his last chance to do so.  In his acceptance speech at the RNC, Romney did a better job of letting people see a different side of him other than his stiff, business-like side.  He needs to take this even farther during the debates.
If Romney can do these things, I think he stands a good chance of swinging the opinions of many voters away from Obama and over to him.  He needs to convince the remaining un-decided voters that he is a far better option than Obama.

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