Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thoughts on the Upcoming Election

     On Tuesday, November 6th, America will make a decision.  This decision will determine the path our country will follow, not only for the next four years, but also for years to come.  These two paths could not be more dissimilar.  One of these paths will take us on the slow road to restoring America's greatness.  The other will keep America in the tailspin that it is in right now.   We are standing on the threshold of what will be, in my opinion, one of the most crucial elections in the history of the United States of America.  Will America ignore all the signs of her impending doom?  Or will America say "no more" to those who want to bring about her downfall?
     At this moment the United States is on the fast track to disaster, both economically and morally.  Many of our citizens have become totally and entirely debased and immoral.  Abortion is legal all nine months in all 50 states, same-sex marriage is legal in six states (this could increase to nine this November, depending on how the citizens of Washington, Maine, and Maryland vote), the divorce rate is frighteningly high, as is teenage pregnancy, and freedom of religion is under attack.  Our founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves.  Everything that they worked so hard to preserve in our country is being slowly but surely broken down.  Even the most basic principles of the Constitution are under attack.  Freedom of religion, one of the main reasons the first settlers came to America, and the foremost of the protected freedoms in the constitution, is being compromised.  Our president is sending out feelers to see just how much he can infringe on the Church and its constitutional rights.
     Meanwhile, our economy is going down the drain due to the utter stupidity of our current leadership... both in congress and the White House.  They seem to believe that they can solve our money shortages by spending more money.  And they somehow don't see a problem in increasing our already colossal national debt.  16 trillion dollars.  That is $51,000 per American citizen.  Our country is moving more and more towards socialism, and look where that got Europe.  Socialism has never worked and never will work.  And since when does the government have the right or the power to force us to buy something we don't want?  The new Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) with its individual mandate is perhaps the most unconstitutional law ever passed in this country.  Liberals are supposed to be all about "freedom of choice." Where is the freedom in being forced to buy healthcare?  This is a clear violation of our constitutional rights.  On top of this, it is going to add billions on to our national debt.
     If President Obama is reelected many irreversible and disastrous things will happen.  First of all, the Affordable Care Act will take effect and America will be saddled with socialized healthcare for years to come.  Obama will have the opportunity of appointing three, possibly four, new Supreme Court Justices.  This would give the liberals a 7-3 majority in the highest court of the land for the next generation, which would have consequences so far reaching that it is painful to think about. Obama will continue his policy of ignoring the threat of hostile nations, such as Iran, obtaining nuclear weapons.  Israel, one of our only allies in the Middle East, and one of our closest allies in the world, will be abandoned to the wrath of Muslim extremist countries who want nothing more than to wipe it off the map.  If given four more years, President Obama will continue to wage his war on morals.   He will continue to support abortion on demand, embryonic stem-cell research, same-sex marriage, and more.  Freedom of religion will come more and more under attack.  He will also fail to secure our border with Mexico, and perhaps even give millions of illegal aliens a free pass and possibly even citizenship.  All of these will have disastrous effects on our country.
     On the other hand, we could elect Mitt Romney and get our country back on track.  Now, before you start pointing an accusing finger, let me clarify.  I was never a Romney supporter.  He was far too moderate for my tastes.  No, perhaps he is not the most conservative candidate we could have chosen, but he is sure a lot better than what we have right now.  Romney, at least, cares about the success and prosperity of America, and he has a definite plan on how to make it happen.  Obama, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have any idea on how to improve the economy.  He just keeps saying that four years wasn't enough time for him to fix anything.  Hmm, that's funny....I thought he said he could fix it in three years.  Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan (who, by the way, was an excellent choice), have a plan.  A plan to end the liberal stupidity that has a hold of our nation.  A plan to return America to her former greatness.  A plan that our nation desperately needs.
     So what will you vote for?  Will you choose a president who will bring us nothing but four more years of failure?  Or will you choose a president who promises prosperity and freedom?  The choice is yours.  Choose wisely.

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